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Group Helm

Group Helm - artist duo based in Estonia - Liisi Eelmaa (1982) & Minna Hint (1981) 


Since 2011 we have produced several artworks & roominstallations, combining different art-mediums, such as documentary footage, audio, video, collage, photography, sculpture etc.





Liisi Eelmaa 

(born in Estonia 1982) lives and works in Tallinn. She has graduated from the Estonian Academy of Arts with a Bachelor’s degree in scenography.


"As an artist i collect mistakes what i see in myself or around me. I fix the problem and then i like to replay the situation again in my own language. I select the main feeling, understanding and have a look at what it is. I like to create fictional and imaginary elements and place them into reality, creating bizarre and impossible scenes, taking the audience in purgatory feeling of being in real or fiction. As a set designer, I am always interested in the place, room and how people interact with what surrounds them."

Minna Hint 

(born in Estonia 1981) lives and works in Tallinn. She has graduated from the Estonian Academy of Arts with a Bachelor’s degree in painting and the Master’s degree in interdiciplinary arts. 


"I am a visual artist who uses a  documentary style approach to create film works and  art installations.  Through my work I try to raise questions and search answers to simple, yet hard to define daily matters, such as time, work, money, love, power  etc.

I try out different angels and often experiment with various natural or recycled materials, possibly engaging all senses in the created space. My intention is to offer the audience either a bit twisted mirror reflection of themselves or an alternative outlook on problematic issues. "

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